Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

JIA Gift Card


1. Valid for up to 12 months from the date of purchase and is non-extendable.

2. This gift card is redeemable at all restaurants under JIA Group except Duddell's Hong Kong Airport and Between (www.jiagroup.co).

3. To be used for ONE transaction – no refund will be offered if not used to its full value.

4. The original gift card / QR code must be presented for redemption – a copy will not be accepted.

5. This gift card is only valid for dine-in food & beverage only and cannot be used for banquets, meetings, private events or other services.

6. Any amount exceeding the value of this gift card must be settled in full by cash or credit card.

7. We kindly advise that all table reservations must be made in advance. Please call/email the relevant email account for the redeeming restaurants to book.

8. Please note the e-version of this gift card can be redeemed instantly and sent deliciously direct to the recipient’s inbox.

9. While physical gift cards can be delivered to any address in Hong Kong within five business days.



- Points collection is available when purchasing the JIA Gift Cards ; Kindly ensure to purchase the Gift Cards while logged in to your membership account, in order to guarantee that the points are credited to your member profile.

- Points collection is not applicable to any amount related to Gift Card redemption. Only dine-ins with direct payment are eligible for points collection.


10. JIA reserves the right to change the terms and conditions. In the event of a dispute, the decision of JIA will be final.



1. 禮品卡於購買後12個月内有效,並不接受任何延期要求。 

2. 此禮品卡適用於佳民集團旗下所有餐廳,都爹利會館 (香港國際機場) 及 Between 除外。 

3. 此禮品卡只可使用一次,如未能用盡禮券金額,餘額將不獲退還。 

4. 必須出示此禮品卡或 QR 碼以兌換。 

5. 此禮品卡只適用於堂食享用,不適用於宴會、會議到會、私人包場等服務。 

6. 扣除禮品卡金額後,交易差額需以現金或信用卡付款。 

7. 使用禮品券卡前,必需先行致電或電郵欲兌換禮券的餐廳訂座 。 

8. 電子禮品卡會透過電子郵件或手機訊息即時發送到收件人手中。

9. 實體禮品卡會於五個工作天内送到府上。


致 JIA 會員: 

- 在購買此禮品卡時可以累積積分。請確保登錄您的個人資料並購買禮品卡,以確保積分被存入您的會員檔案。

- 所有禮品卡在餐廳用餐時兌換的金額不適用於積分累積,只有在禮品卡兌換後進行的付款總金額才能累積積分。


10. 佳民集團保留更改本條款及細則的權利。如有爭議,佳民集團將有最終決定權。

11.11 Gift Card Promotion


1. Valid for up to 3 months from the date of purchase. No refund and extension requests will be accepted. 

2. This gift card is redeemable at MONO, Louise, 22 Ships, Chachawan, Duddell's (Central), Mak Mak.

3. To be used for ONE transaction – no refund will be offered if not used to its full value.

4. The original gift card / QR code must be presented for redemption – a copy will not be accepted.

5. This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions. 

6. This voucher is only valid for dine-in only and cannot be used for special menus, collaboration lunches/dinners, banquets, meetings, private events or other services.

7. We kindly advise that for the restaurants MONO, Louise, 22 Ships, Chachawan, Duddell's (Central), Mak Mak, table reservations must be made in advance. Please call or email the relevant restaurant to book.



- Points collection is available when purchasing the 11.11 Gift Cards, and it applies only to the actual payment amount, excluding any additional value.

- Kindly ensure to purchase the Gift Cards while logged in to your membership account, in order to guarantee that the points are credited to your member profile.

- Points collection is not applicable to any amount related to 11.11 Gift Card redemption. Only dine-ins with direct payment are eligible for points collection.


8. JIA reserves the right to change the terms and conditions. In the event of a dispute the decision of JIA will be final.



1. 此電子禮券只限於購買日之三個月內有效使用,並不接受任何退款或延期要求。

2. 此電子禮券只限於 MONO、Louise、22 Ships、Chachawan、中環都爹利會館及 Mak Mak 使用。

3. 此電子禮券只可使用一次,如未能用盡禮券金額,餘額將不獲退還。 

4. 兌換此電子優惠券時必須出示其電郵/二維碼正本,副本將不被接納。

5. 此電子優惠劵不可與其他優惠、折扣及現金券同時使用。

6. 此電子優惠劵只適用於堂食,不適用於特別餐單、聯手活動、宴會、會議、私人活動等等所有其他服務。

7. 我們建議所有客人於到訪以下餐廳前預先訂座:MONO, Louise, 22 Ships, Chachawan, Duddell's (Central), Mak Mak。


致 JIA 會員: 

- 在購買此禮品卡時,JIA會員和JIP可以累積積分,且僅適用於實際支付金額,不包括任何額外金額。

- 在購買此禮品卡時可以累積積分。請確保登錄您的個人資料並購買禮品卡,以確保積分被存入您的會員檔案。

- 所有禮品卡在餐廳用餐時兌換的金額不適用於積分累積,只有在禮品卡兌換後進行的付款總金額才能累積積分。


8. 佳民集團保留權利修改本條款及細則而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,佳民集團將保留最終決定權。